Lennie Tristano and Charlie Parker – New England Public Radio

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Always loved this photo! – kt

From the post: “Carl Woideck notes in his biography of Parker, that in Tristano and Thelonious Monk, he had occasion to play with pianists “whose harmonic conceptions might have spontaneously led him in new harmonic directions,” but Woideck doesn’t find Bird “markedly responding to [their] pungent voicings and reharmonizations.” Nonetheless, “Victory Ball,” which is based on “’S Wonderful,” not only inspired Bird to “play the devil” out of it, but the head is pure Lennie, and as played in unison by Parker, Tristano, and guitarist Billy Bauer, it’s one of few performances in Parker’s career in which the concept belongs as much to a colleague as to Bird himself.

A very warm recollection of Lennie… https://www.nepr.net/post/lennie-tristano-and-charlie-parker#stream/0

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